Lesson 1, Topic 2
In Progress

3 Centered Knowing: Stopping

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3 Centered Knowing


Many people talk about “being in the present moment” or “being here now” and have a sense that spiritual practices help us arrive at this kind of present moment experience. Yet most of us confess that we spend most of our time fussing about the past or preparing for the future.


Matt Killingsworth, a researcher from UC Berkeley, reported that over 650,000 people in his study said that their mind is not on the task at hand over 50% of the time. His research also suggests that this “mind wandering” is usually populated with negative thoughts and therefore diminishes the quality of our lives. Consequently, reducing this negative mental chatter and being in the present moment can have huge implications for us.


In this spiritual practice, we are going to bring our attentiveness to our experience in the present moment using our three centers and some words that might help us arrive right here and right now.



Start by landing in your body. See if you can just stop your body—stop your fidgeting . . . stop your anxious moving forward tendency. . .
Sense that even when your body has stopped, you are still restless inside.
Many of us have developed a habit of running through our day—to get to the next thing—and we tend to move rather quickly in our bodies . . . with our minds pushing us to “get to” whatever is coming up.
So let’s see if stopping the body and stopping the mind can become aligned.
Let’s use our breath.
Notice your body when you breathe. Notice the movement of your belly or your chest. Sense the air coming in and out of your nostrils.
Breathe in and say to yourself “I have arrived.” And breathe out and relax your body.
Breathe in and say “I have arrived.” And breathe out and relax your body.
Do this several more times.
Breathe in and say to yourself “I am here.” And breathe out and relax your body.
Breathe in and say to yourself “I am here.” And breathe out and relax your body.
Do this several more times.
Breathe in and say to yourself “I am home.” And breathe out and relax your body.
Breathe in and say to yourself “I am home.” And breathe out and relax your body.
Pay exquisite attention to what you are experiencing right now.
Breathe in and continue to relax your body. Breathe out and sense your release into this moment.
Breathe in and continue to relax your feelings. Breathe out and sense your surrender into this moment.
Breathe in and continue to relax your thinking. Breathe out and sense your release into this moment.
With each in breath, you inhale faith into the fullness of this present moment
Listen to the words of Jesus:
“I have come so you may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10
Sense this fullness right here and right now.
Let’s continue to sit here and marvel at this moment.


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